Criminal Background Report
Gain access to a variety of quick database searches and reports to help identify a history of criminal activity.

Do you need a criminal background report? Accounts Receivable specializes in criminal background checks, utilizing up-to-date information and incorporating all tools of modern technology. We gain unique access to information that we glean from public reports and records.

We offer instant searches that will save you time if you need to track down court records, or if you simply want to use our search services to help you locate long-lost relatives or friends! Criminal check searches have never been so easy.

Full Criminal Report $44.99
The more information you have about an individual you let into you company or inner circle in life the less stressful and toxic that relationship will be. Accounts Receivable offers this search to you to find the truth about who you are dealing with. Let us help you uncover the truth to manage risks in hiring, renting, credit authorization and business dealings. 

Our full reports gives you the following details: 

US Criminal Report - Searches multiple state files to return felonies, misdemeanors, traffic violations, sex offenses and incarcerations.

Criminal State and National Search - Instantly compiles records from multiple states to return felonies, misdemeanors, traffic violations and incarcerations.

Criminal Sex Offender Search - Returns data from multiple states specifically on sex offenses with felony convictions

US Sex Offender Report - Instantly searches national criminal records from all states to return sex offenses returning information on currently-registered sex offenders

Rapsheets Criminal Database Search - Accounts Receivable's most comprehensive online criminal database search of court records, Department of Corrections records and law enforcement records.
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