Attn: Affiliates ...
"Finally! A Way To Create an additional stream of income!"...(That Doesn't Require you to outlay your time or money! )

  •  I really want to live the life I want and be financially free!
  •  I want make residual income every month like real estate! 
  •  I want to make money while I sleep!

From: William Ficka
RE: Accounts Receivable Affiliate Program
Dear entrepreneur,

If you want to earn passive income based on your contacts and business relationships, have no client maintenance, products to lug around or monthly and annual membership fees, or you just simply want to direct your associates to us and let us handle the rest so you can just sit back and enjoy the commission checks. 

Then this is the most important letter you'll read all year! 

Here's why...

Unlike other affiliate programs, that expect you to outlay your time and money to generate leads or sales, the Accounts Receivable Affiliate Program is a free way to earn passive income based on your contacts and business relationships. Every company in the world needs a collection agency so your prospects are limitless!
We have been collecting money for businesses and individuals for over 30 years and we want you to have the opportunity to have a piece of the profit
Here's how and why we can make you this offer...

My name is Will Ficka and I'm an expert on assisting businesses and investors in recovering money they are owed, as well as helping entrepreneurs learn how to start generating additional streams of income so they can live the life they deserve.

I've helped 100's of independent salesmen and consultants utilize our program to start generating additional wealth using solely the business and personal contacts they already have.

This affiliate program is going to give you everything you need to add additional revenue sources that will generate extra income for you and your family.

Getting money with this program is simple. Collections is a service companies and investors on an ongoing basis when their customers don't pay them. One of the benefits of the Accounts Receivable Collection Service is if we fail to recover the money for a client that client owes us nothing meaning at the end of the day if we do not provide your referrals results they pay absolutely NOTHING! If thats not an easy sell I don't know what is. 

Most affiliate programs average a commission between 3%-15% of the proift earned off of the sales you generate and offer you the ability to gain sub-affiliates underneath you but charge an arm and a leg or worse no ability to gain sub-affiliates. Accounts Receivable gives you any where between 1% - 5% with no cap on commissions and the ability to profit from every affiliate the signs up under them. The best thing about our industry is business is always booming, because every month your referalls will conintue to complete their books and turn over accounts for us to collect on which gives you the ability to make reacurring money every single month from past referrals! 

Every minute you wait is another minute another affiliate of ours is signing up that next client or sub affiliate beneath them or worse a quailified referral is going out of business because they havn't spoken to you yet!
ON Average you only have 2.21 billion heartbeats. At 60 beats per minute, that's a little over 70 years. Each beat matters. Start getting paid now!
Did you know The average millionaire has 7 streams of income? Statistically they have the following sources getting them paid; interest, dividends, capital gains, royalties, rental income, their main business and where an affiliate program would come into play is Business income – which may or may not be passive but the idea is you build something that generates income without active work. Here's a bright idea... start your next stream of income NOW! 

In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get When You Become An Affiliate...

* You'll discover exactly how to get the MOST money using the contacts you already have.

* You'll understand that what you are bringing to the table for your referrals can only benefit them.

* You'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST entrepenures from generating a second stream of income.

* You'll know exactly how to negotiate a deal and use our service to get you paid for life.

* You'll have real cash coming into your pocket and have the ability to expand your main business or do with it as you please. 
The numbers don't lie
According to Forbes, consumer debts total $12.73 Trillion dollars today, this number doesn't take into account any business debt. So there is an abundance of ability to make money with us! 
* When you find out how to make an additional stream of income with no out of pocket cost and see that you have the ability to help businesses stay in business. When you see the real money that comes in from joining our group you will have the money to live out your dreams! You will have the ability to control any room you walk into knowing you are a monster producer who has multiple skill sets to help those in need! 
So Here's The Bottom Line With The Accounts Receivable Affiliate Program
Using the Accounts Receivable nationwide collection program, you have the ability to start earning additional affiliate income immediatly. As an affiliate we do not expect you to go out and spend thousands of dollars on print advertising or expensive adwords campaigns. Our Affiliate program allows you to utilize your business connections to earn money NOW! 

Start NOW and let us get you PAID!

You get all of this for FREE...

But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Savings For Acting Now...

Bonus #1: FREE

When you join our program you save instantly by removing the cost of joining our program. The average cost for an individual to join an affiliate program is any where between the $99 to $499 range

Bonus#2: FREE

Your sub-affiliates have the ability to sign up for free underneath you. If you have pressed an affiliate program in the past you know that having sub-affiliates underneath is huge in getting the most out of it but it was always hard to obtain and maintain because of the cost associated with them signing up. With us the cost is completely free for you affiliates! 

As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of in excess to the thousands... but it's all for the taking when you act now!

And you have nothing to lose because you can... 

Take FOREVER To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad Guarantee 

"Say This"

If "The Accounts Receivable Affiliate Program" doesn't show me exactly how to earn passive income based on my contacts and business relationships.... if it doesn't take me by the hand and step-by-step show me there is no client maintenance, products to lug around or monthly and annual membership fees.... or if it fails to help me simply direct my associates to them and allow them to do the rest. And even show me that all I do have to do is sit back and enjoy the commissions checks, then I understand that I will be out no money! 

As you can see all the risk is squarely on our shoulders to provide you results, so....

Here's How To Register Right Now

So go ahead and click the registration link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!

To your success,

William Ficka

P.S. every minute you wait is another minute another affiliate of ours is signing up that next client or sub-affiliate or qualified businesses are going out of business because they haven't spoken to you yet. Every minute that goes by is another minute you don't get to live the life you deserve!

Do it now before you miss out on generating your 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th stream of income. 
Get This Amazing Product Below:
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